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All References with Titles containing 'morning glory' OR with Authors including 'morning glory' OR with Abstract including 'morning glory' OR with Keywords including 'morning glory'

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S Cohen What Price Morning Glory? Mind 1964
Ara H. Der Marderosian, A... A Uterine Stimulant Effect of Extracts of Morning Glory Seeds The Psychedelic Revi... 1964
Editorial Morning-glory seeds, (Outlook/Cell membrane study may shed light on in... Med. World News 1965
Der Marderosian AH Nomenclatural History of the Morning Glory, Ipomoea violacea (L.) Taxon 1965
Der Marderosian AH Nomenclatural History of the Morning Glory, Ipomoea violacea (L.) Taxon 1965
Cohen S A classification of LSD complications Psychosomatics 1966
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T Chromatographic separation of lysergic acid amide and isolysergic acid... J. Chromatog. 1969
Grof S LSD and the Cosmic Game: Outline of Psychedelic Cosmology and Ontology Journal for the Stud... 1972
Faust V, Leutner V Drogen-ABC. Rauschgift - Alkohol - Nikotin - Medikamente Notabene Medici 1977
Valdés LJ, Díaz JL, Paul ... Ethnopharmacology of ska María Pastora (Salvia divinorum, Epling and J... J Ethnopharmacol 1983
Hofmann A, Goodwin DW LSD: My Problem Child-- Reflections on Sacred Drugs, Mysticism, and S... JAMA 1983
Riedlinger TJ Wasson's alternative candidates for soma J Psychoactive Drugs 1993
Schindler EA, Gottschalk ... Indoleamine Hallucinogens in Cluster Headache: Results of the Clusterb... J Psychoactive Drugs 2015